Gwen Lamont, Author

The view from Coffin Ridge: A childhood exhumed

The View From Coffin Ridge: A Childhood Exhumed is a one-of-a-kind story and Gwen’s fresh and distinctive voice makes it even more compelling. I predict this book will be one of the strongest to come out of the MFA program to date.”

— Lorri Neilsen Glenn

Professor at University of King’s College, Halifax. Master of Fine Arts program

available at these independent book stores:

The universe is made up of stories not atoms. What would happen if one woman told the truth about her life? The whole world would split open.
— Muriel Rukeyser

About gwen

Gwen, a social worker, winery owner, and published author lives between two ghost towns in rural Annan, Ontario where she writes and manages Coffin Ridge Boutique Winery.

Proud member of the Writers' Union of Canada