Upcoming Events

the Fall Series Book Launches

The View From Coffin Ridge:  A Childhood Exhumed

A Memoir by Gwen Lamont

Close to 200 people attended the first sold out launches of Gwen Lamont’s memoir on May 31 and June 2. In July and August, another 250 attended summer series launches in Goderich, Lion's Head, Parry Sound, Kincardine and Southampton.  

A small sample of the feedback received from those who attended:

  • “….Truly the best book launch I’ve attended – the obvious and careful preparation, beautiful venue, and most of all a courageous author sharing her story”  

  • “Gwen is a powerful writer and a compelling speaker. I can highly recommend this book” 

  • “Gwen was incredibly poised and had an intriguing delivery of her story.   That could not have been easy, yet she seemed to emanate an inner strength and power”

  • "The launch was so well curated with attention to detail....the audience was with Gwen in understanding....a feeling that was unexpected and like magic"

Don’t miss the opportunity to take part in the Fall Series Book Launches in four Ontario locations.  Click below for tickets; no cash refunds.

Dates and Locations include:

  • September 25: Hanover - The Special Events Centre, 5 - 7 p.m.

  • October 3: Collingwood - Black Bellows Brewing Company, 5 - 7 p.m.

  • October 16: Stratford - Stratford Country Club, 5 - 7 p.m.

  • October 17: London - The Hunt Club, 5 - 7 p.m.

Each $50 ticket includes:

  • Signed book

  • Author reading + Q&A

  • Bottle of 'Into The Light White' wine

  • Drink of your choice  + nibblies

two books & a band

Two Owen Sound authors, Gwen Lamont and Brian Barrie, whose books are receiving local, provincial and national recognition, will present readings, offer insights into their writing journey, and participate in a question and answer segment. Interspersed with two sets of

music by singer-songwriter Morgan Barrie, featuring Tyler Beckett and Zach Erb, this will be a memorable evening of words and song.

3 Ticket Options:

  • 2 Books & A Band - $60

  • 1 Book & A Band - $30

  • Just a Band - $20

Date and Location:

  • Wednesday, October 9th

  • 7:30 p.m.

  • Hugh’s Room, Toronto

past events

Toronto international film festival

Mary Ann and Gwen standing side by side

The Well Toronto - September 10, 2024

Gwen and publicist Mary Anne at the 40th anniversary of Women in Film and Television TIFF reception. 

southampton book launch

Bruce Power Theatre, Bruce County Museum - August 29, 2024

The last stop on the Summer Book Launch series was the Bruce Power Theatre at the Bruce County Museum in Southampton. This was the largest event of the summer series with over 85 people in attendance.

It was also the largest turnout of invited guests. Seven attended the Southampton event: From Town of Saugeen Shores, Diane Huber, Deputy Mayor, and councillor Cheryl Ritchie, from Women’s Centre Grey Bruce, Executive Director Heather Sheldrick and Shelter Manager Joyce Ann Johnson, Marcia Ritchie, Shelter Manager Kaebashiwim Respite Women’s Centre Saugeen First Nation, Emma Fryday, Big Brothers Big Sisters Grey Bruce Board Member and Development Director Wes For Youth Online, and Kim Andrews owner of Larkspur Books in Southampton where the book can be purchased.

Margaret Whitley, the point person in Southampton for promotion was acknowledged as well at the staff at the Bruce County Museum whose planning and logistical support made for a perfect event.

Women’s Centre Grey Bruce and Kaebashiwim Respite Women’s Centre gratefully received donations from Gwen Lamont to support their work in the community.

From left to right: Gwen Lamont, author. Joyce Ann Johnson, Women's Centre Grey Bruce Shelter Manager. Heather Sheldrick, Women's Centre Grey Bruce Executive Director.

Kincardine book launch

The Walker House, Kincardine - August 22, 2024

The fourth stop on the Summer Book Launch series was The Walker House in Kincardine where Gwen was welcomed by the Museum and Industry Room staff and a full house of engaged audience members.

Invited guests at the Kincardine event in attendance were Marcy Stocking, Executive Director of Women’s House, Linda Johnson, President of the Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Bruce and North Huron, and Jessica De Vasser from the Bookshop where Gwen’s book is available.

Local planning committee Avis Dalgarno and Bonnie and Terry Bryan supported with logistics and promotion.

Women’s House and BBBS received donations from the author to support their work.

Parry Sound book launch

Mary Street Centre, Parry Sound - August 8, 2024

The third stop on the Summer Book Launch series was Mary Street Centre in Parry Sound where Gwen received the usual warm welcome from an appreciative and engaged audience.

Invited guests at the Parry Sound event were Lisa Cook, Deputy Mayor, Township of Carling, Jennifer Bouwmeester, Director of Women’s Services at Esprit Place Family Resource Centre, and Paula St. Anne, Program Coordinator at The Drop, a safe, inclusive space for youth in Parry Sound. Sarah Strachan, Owner of Parry Sound Books has welcomed Gwen’s memoir into her store.

During the question and answer period conducted by Parry Sound business owner Peter Cramp, he shared the connection he felt after reading The View From Coffin Ridge: A Childhood Exhumed.

Local planning committee Patricia Cramp, Valerie Cramp and Alana Cramp were acknowledged for their support in planning the event.

Esprit Centre and The Drop received a donation from Gwen Lamont to support their work in the community.

Mary Anne Alton, Peter Cramp and Gwen Lamont

Rotary Hall, Lion’s Head - July 25, 2024

The second stop on the Summer Book Launch series was the Rotary Hall in Lion’s Head. Gwen received a warm welcome from an appreciative and engaged audience.

Invited guests at the Lion’s Head event were Rod Anderson, Deputy Mayor, North Bruce Peninsula; Cynthia Connelly, Board Member Big Brothers Big Sisters of Grey Bruce; Marydale Ashcroft, Owner of The Shops at 84 Main and Mona Goulette from Reader’s Haven Book Store in Tobermory, representing the two stores where the book is available for purchase on the Peninsula.

During the question and answer period conducted by Hazel Smith of Tobermory, Lamont spoke of the impact she hopes her book will have to enable others to tell their stories, remind her readers of the power of a caring adult to change the trajectory of a child’s life and to amplify the conversation about intimate partner violence.

Cynthia Connelly received a donation from the author for Big Brothers Big Sisters Grey Bruce. 20 youth and families are currently being served by BBBSGB in the Lion’s Head area. Connelly was moved by the event and expressed gratitude for the support from Gwen Lamont.

lion’s head book launch

East Street Cider Company - July 11, 2024

Goderich was the first stop on Summer Book Launch Series. The part of the book that took place there, describe a significant time in her life. Author Gwen Lamont read from one of those chapters at the July 11th launch.

She also spoke of her valiant but unsuccessful attempts to gain access to the Ontario Hospital Goderich, a place that plays a prominent role in exhuming her childhood.

Goderich Town Councillor Liz Petrie, spoke of the important role her council played as one of the 100 municipalities signing a resolution to encourage the province of Ontario to declare intimate partner violence an epidemic.

Vanessa Key received a donation from the author for the Huron Women’s Shelter. Key was moved by the event and expressed gratitude for the support from Gwen Lamont.

The local planning committee members; Karen Morrison, Cindy Fisher and Liz Pitrie were acknowledged for their work in ensuring the success of the event.

Goderich book launch

Gwen's grade 5 Monkton Public School classmate Roger Brown

coffin ridge book launch

Thanks to everyone who came out to the two book launches for Gwen Lamont’s newly released The View From Coffin Ridge: A Childhood Exhumed. Both events were sold out and were by all accounts a wonderful success.

Close to 200 people attended the first sold out launches of Gwen Lamont’s memoir on May 31 and June 2.  

A small sample of the feedback received from those who attended:

  • “….Truly the best book launch I’ve attended – the obvious and careful preparation, beautiful venue, and most of all a courageous author sharing her story”  

  • “Gwen is a powerful writer and a compelling speaker. I can highly recommend this book” 

  • “Gwen was incredibly poised and had an intriguing delivery of her story.   That could not have been easy, yet she seemed to emanate an inner strength and power

She Matters 2024

Gwen Lamont was invited to attend the SHE MATTERS annual Schlifer Clinic fundraiser brunch.

Gwen and her upcoming book, The View from Coffin Ridge: A Childhood Exhumed, were profiled at the event. 150 guests networked with clinic staff and members of the Board of Directors.

The Coffin Ridge gift basket donated by Gwen raised $285 contributing to the $51,000+ profits that support the much needed programs provided through the Barbra Schlifer Memorial Clinic.

Video from SheMatters 2024, courtesy of Arc + Crown Media and Schlifer Clinic.

International Women’s Day

Gwen read Survivor’s Guilt which was longlisted in the 2023 CBC Non-Fiction Writing Contest. Survivor’s Guilt was first inspired by one murdered woman’s untold story, and how the intersection of her murder and Gwen’s life shook an ancient memory loose. Attendees at the IWD event, were moved by the reading and the powerful message it conveyed.

Survivor’s Guilt contains themes from Gwen’s book The View from Coffin Ridge: A Childhood Exhumed to be released May 31, 2024.

The Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic offers legal, counselling and interpretation services to marginalized and racialized populations of women and gender diverse people who have survived violence.

Gwen Lamont being recognized for her presentation at the International Women’s Day (IWD) event at the Schlifer Clinic in Toronto on March 8th, 2024.